Our Mission

The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ. It exists to promote and cherish the word of God as enshrined in the Holy Scriptures and to make known God’s call to Christian Living, to foster unity and accord among all Christians and to invite them into worship, fellowship, membership and to equip them for Christian Ministry and Evangelism.

Message From The Pastor

Rev. Dr. Albert Jebanesan

I hope one day to meet you in person, but right now I want to welcome you to this “virtual” doorway into our church. I am delighted to have you visit our church website. I am blessed to serve this congregation. It is my privilege to serve as Pastor of Tamil Christian Church of Canada. I believe the Church is called to be an arena for personal and corporate transformation as we learn to follow Jesus as Lord and Saviour. I pray that God will bless and guide you into an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus Christ, a relationship that will be shaped by the Holy Spirit and empowered by God’s love. 
I invite you to worship God with us and to find out more about the adventure of discipleship to Jesus. God can change your life, and can use you to change the life of others! As Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 3:16, “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.” 
Our church services feature singing the great hymns of the faith. You will find that our services always seeking to reconcile human beings to God in the matter of their salvation, and Christians to a higher and holier love. We desire to build the family through the Word of God. 
Check out the various pages on our website. If you need more information email us. We will get back to you quickly.
In Christ
Rev. Dr. Albert Jebanesan


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Steve Reiff
Head of marketing, Mcdonalds

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Tony Fadell
Ex. Chief Architect, apple Inc

Quotes in Columns

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Alice Doe

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John Doe

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